Beta Features#

The following beta features are available to beta users now:

For Atlas Uploaders#

They can now upload atlases to the archmap and use it for visualization. Note that the archmap is still in beta and is not yet available to the public.

Steps to upload atlases to the archmap:

  1. Go to

  2. Sign up for the account by clicking on sign up.

  3. Click on the option: “Request for Beta Feature”

    request beta access
  4. Once it is clicked, Please wait while we review your request. Once it is approved, you will be able to access the tab which says “Upload Atlas”. Now Log in by going to and clicking on the Log in button on the top right corner.

  5. Click on the option: Upload Atlas on the sidebar. Note that you will only see it if we have accepted your request to the beta feature. You can see all the atlases you have uploaded here. If you have not uploaded any atlases, you will see no atlases uploaded.

    upload atlas
  6. To upload an atlas, Click on Upload Atlas button. You will get a form where you will have to fill in the details of the atlas.

    upload atlas form
  7. For uploading the atlas, you can either upload the atlas by clicking on the upload button or you can give the link to the atlas in the link field.

    upload atlas form
  8. To add the compatible model associated with it, you can select the compatible model and then upload it by clicking on the upload button.

    upload model form
  9. You can also choose to upload a classifier along with it optionally. To do so, you can select the classifier and then upload it by clicking on the upload button.

    upload classifier form
  10. Once the atlas, model and classifier(optional) are uploaded, you can see it in the list of atlases uploaded.

uploaded atlas